Miami Heat Rumors: Heat's 'Big 3' Not Set on Returning to Miami; LeBron James, Chris Bosh Contract Demands Too Much to Compete? [VIDEO]

Hold off on all the reports concerning the Miami Heat’s “Big 3” returning to South Beach for the moment, as the fate of the three players is now in doubt. News of LeBron James wanting a max contract combined with Chris Bosh’s demand for a five-year deal between $80-$90 million have the group's future in doubt.

ESPN’s Chris Broussard reported that the members of the Heat met for a lunch on Wednesday, but nothing was decided about their future together.

“James did not ask or suggest that Wade and Bosh opt out of their deals or take lesser salaries to allow the Heat to add other top players, according to the sources.

When Bosh and Wade opted out of their contracts a few days later -- joining James who had done so before their lunch meeting -- it was widely assumed the three were working together and would all return to the Heat.

But sources who have spoken with two of the Big 3 said that was not the case. Bosh and Wade are intent on returning to Miami, but neither of them knows what James will do.”

If the contract numbers hold true, James will command a max contract, Bosh will get a five-year deal worth between $80 million and $90 million and Dwyane Wade will get closer to $55 million-60 million over four years. Those contract numbers would hinder the Heat like it has done in the past and eliminate the possibility of signing a player like Pau Gasol or Luol Deng.

If the "Big 3" aren't acting as a group anymore, that would make all of them guns for hire and these three players can bend the NBA in their image if they so choose to.


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