George Zimmerman News: Shellie Zimmerman Finds Bullet-Riddled Bullseye In Home, Calls In Threat [VIDEO]

George Zimmerman's estranged and soon-to-be ex-wife said she found a used marksmen target riddled with at least 17 bullet holes nailed to the wall of the home they once shared after he was forced to move out. claims they've obtained a photo Shellie Zimmerman provided to police that shows what she and her parents found inside the study of the Lake Mary, Fla. home.

Police reports indicate the last person inside the building was said to be the 30-year-old Zimmerman, who not long before had been asked to vacate the premises.

"This is the photo that Shellie sent to her lawyer and said, 'Look at the subliminal message George left me,' following their showdown in September," a source with intimate knowledge of the situation revealed. "What else could a bullet-riddled marksman's target mean?"

Shellie Zimmerman called 911 in September to report her husband had punched her father in the face and was threatening the both of them with a gun he was at least pretending to be armed with.

Another source told Radar, It's really not that subliminal. A not-so subtle message, I think. It was clearly a threat. Did George feel so threatened by Shellie talking to the media about her marriage to George?" the source questioned. Did he feel threatened that she didn't stick to the playbook of refusing to talk after Trayvon? Or was this George's way of telling Shellie to stick to the omertà? Or was it something more serious? George really has some explaining to do."

In divorce papers, Shellie Zimmerman claimed she separated from her husband in August because of strain the trial they endured after he was charged in the killing of unarmed Florida teen Trayvon Martin.

Shellie Zimmerman told police she found the target tacked to a wall in the house in the same area where the alleged domestic abuse attack took place."

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