Steve Nash Inter Milan Tryout; Lakers Point Guard Believes Kobe Bryant Ahead Of Schedule With Achilles Rehab


Steve Nash has always been a renowned fan of soccer, as well as a talented player. He's out to prove his worth on the pitch by trying out for big time soccer club Inter Milan, according to reports.

Speaking with the media, Nash said, "It's a dream come true to get a chance to try out, not just to try out but to take the field with Inter Milan, one of the great, storied franchises in professional sports. I feel like a little kid."

Nash, a two-time NBA MVP, said he thinks he will have a severe case of the butterflies during his tryout.

"It's going to be a lot higher than it is playing basketball, for sure," Nash said. "I still get nervous for basketball games from time to time. When I get out on the court, I don't get nervous, but before. To go out there with guys that I look up to and watch play, it's definitely going to raise the nerves. I'll be really nervous and really excited."

Lakers fans will likely be holding their breath that Nash doesn't injure himself more than he did during L.A.'s disastrous 2012-2013 season. Nash missed more than 50 games last year with a fractured leg, as well as back pain. When asked about his health Nash said:

"I've had a really good summer of training and rehabilitating," Nash said. "I'm not 100 percent, but I'm pretty close. Good enough to go out there Tuesday. I'm thrilled I've had this time to build myself back up, and I believe I'll have a great year."

As far as injuries go, Nash also said he thinks superstar shooting guard Kobe Bryant is ahead of schedule in his rehab for a torn Achilles tendon. "I know he's very focused and determined and he plans to come back as strong as ever, probably in record time."

Despite losing Dwight Howard to free agency, Nash is optimistic that the Lakers can be a big surprise in next year's NBA.

We're all just excited for another opportunity," Nash said. "We've got some terrific players coming off of difficult seasons. I know Pau Gasol after his injuries, Kobe's coming off a difficult injury, I was injured for the better part of the season. The three of us are eager to get back out there and there's other guys, Jordan Hill, Steve Blake, who missed a lot of time last year. We're excited to see what we can make of ourselves. We really are going to try for the second consecutive year to find chemistry and identity, but we're excited for it, so we'll see."

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