Orlando Shaw, Tennessee Man With 22 Kids By 14 Women, May Get Reality TV Show [VIDEO]

A Tennessee man whose claim to fame is that he is the father of 22 kids with 14 women may soon be rewarded with his own reality TV show, according to news reports.

Orlando Shaw, 33, has already signed a production deal with a Los Angeles agency and may soon begin shooting for the show. 

“I’ve had a lot of people from Hollywood calling me,” said Shaw, who while he admits the state of Tennessee now pays more than $7,000 per month to support his offspring wants it known that he does not consider himself a deadbeat dad.

“I’m a devoted father to all my children,” he said. “Out of all my children, all of their mothers can find me, or if they can’t find me I’ll find them.”

Local station NewsChannel 5 recently interviewed Shaw as he left a child support hearing and one of the first questions asked of him was ‘why he had so many children?’

“I was just young and ambitious and I love women,” Shaw told reporters. “Hey, you can’t knock no man for loving a woman.”

Juvenile court Magistrate Scott Rosenberg oversaw the hearing and frankly seemed to find his options a bit limited. “Some of these things were so shocking that people had never heard them before and didn’t realize these situations exist,” said Rosenberg. “People have the right to have children and there’s no constitutional limit on the right to procreate.”

When asked if he’s ever thought of taking matters in his own hand and considered getting a vasectomy, Shaw answered: ““Have you seen the movie War Horse? I’m a war horse and I don’t want to be cut down there and it won’t work the right way no more.”


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