LeBron James Wedding: Secret Invitations Sent [PHOTO], Reveal Little Information About Ceremony Time, Date, Place


"King" James is about to have a queen. LeBron James' plans to wed fiancée Savannah Brinson are being kicked into motion, as secret invitations have been sent out to guests, but reveal precious little information about the details of the ceremony.

For photos of the invitations click here.

According to reports, the invitations merely list a "Welcome Barbeque," at 7:00 p.m. on September 13th, and a "Farewell Brunch" on September 15th, with no time specified. Reading between the lines would indicate a September 14th wedding, but without specifics nothing is certain.

LeBron and Brinson have been together since high school, and the world's best basketball player has two sons with his sweetheart. Since announcing their engagement, Brinson feels more comfortable with public exposure. "Now that I'm getting married, I'm coming out from behind his shadow, but I just thought it was time," she said.

James seemingly can't stop acquiring rings and fancy hardware. Just about one month ago LeBron led the Miami Heat to their second straight NBA championship. He now has two NBA title rings, two NBA Finals MVP awards, and four regular season MVP awards. Now, he'll be adding a wedding ring to that collection, and it might be the most prized accomplishment of his life.

LeBron had the finest of his four MVP campaigns this past year, posting nightly averages of 26.8 points, 7.3 assists (second best mark of his career), and a career high eight rebounds while manning power forward for chunks of time, enabling the Heat to play a revolutionary brand of small-ball.

James also played the most efficient basketball in his career, shooting over 56 percent from the field, making 40 percent of his 3-pointers, and getting to the foul line seven times a game, converting those free throws at a 75 percent clip.

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