Aaron Hernandez Flop House Reveals Secret Evidence In Odin Lloyd Murder Case


A secret "flop house" rented by ex-Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez in Franklin, Massaschusetts is said to have turned up important evidence regarding the murder of his associate, 27-year-old semipro football player Odin Lloyd.

The flop house contained ammunition that was the same kind used to murder Lloyd, a white hooded sweatshirt similar to the one Hernandez was seen wearing the night Lloyd was killed, and a baseball cap with the word "Society" written on it, which Hernandez was said to be wearing at the time of the killing.

Michael Bates, a Bristol County District Attorney detective wrote in an affidavit, "The white sweatshirt could be used to assist in linking Hernandez to the scene of the crime. The baseball hat could help provide the whereabouts of Hernandez on the Friday night before the homicide. This night, in particular, is a critical aspect in the timeline of events leading up to the homicide."

The bad news continues to pile up for the disgraced former Patriot, as Bristol County Sherriff Thomas Hodgson has pledged to do everything in his power to keep Hernandez from marrying his fiancée, Shayanna Jenkins, which would relieve her of having to testify against him.

On NFL AM Hodgson said, "We're not going to revamp our entire security system to perform marriages inside our prison. If you want to get married, what you do is, you stay out of jail."

Sources inside the prison say Hernandez is adapting to prison life well, and could soon be admitted to general population. The jail's gang intelligence unit has thoroughly vetted Hernandez, and said they are not overly concerned, although his large amount of tattoos initially worried them.

The gang intelligence unit will now give him limited exposure to other inmates. "We want to see what reaction we're going to get from those inmates in that unit and how he reacts to that."

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