Girl Football Player, 12, Kicked Off Team Because Boys Will "Lust" For Her, Have "Impure" Thoughts


Madison Baxter, a 12-year-old girl who has been playing football in Atlanta since she was in the second grade, has been told not to show up for this season because of the effect her normal development as a female would have on the rest of her male teammates.

Patrick Stuart, and administrator at Strong Rock Christian Academy, the private school Baxter attends, did not hide from the school's controversial decision when he met with Baxter's mother, Cassy Blythe.

"In the meeting with the CEO of the school [Patrick Stuart], I was told that the reasons behind it were one, that the boys were going to start lusting after her and have impure thoughts about her and that the locker-room talk was not appropriate for a female to hear even though she had a separate locker room from the boys."

Blythe was appalled by the school's decision and began a Facebook group called "Let Her Play" that urged the school to reconsider its attitude toward her daughter. On the Facebook page, Madison posted a lengthy message that read:

"Hey you guys! It's Maddy. I have chores to do so I better hurry. I wanted to take a few minutes to express my sincere gratitude for your support for all athletes that struggle to compete based on differences... My dad and my papa were both football players in high school...My uncle was a football coach... Football is in my blood. I was raised around the sport and have a serious obsession with it...

...When I was told my gender would prevent me from continuing my dream I was crushed. I felt like my heart fell on the floor and the school stomped on it. I worked hard to earn my spot and I deserve to play. I will never allow someone to tell me I can't do something I've already proved I can do. I might be young but don't think that will stop me. My voice will be heard and I will fight for what is right. There are other people who have been in my position since the beginning of time. Those people took a stand. I will follow them and take my stand ... I have the power to fight for those who will follow in my footsteps...

By liking this page you are saying that you stand with me. You are screaming from the mountain tops that we will prevail! 

 Unfortunatley the grass won't mow itself so I have to run. Many thanks to all of you!" 


So far it is unclear whether or not the school plans to reverse its decision.

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