Mario Williams News: Ex-Fiance Erin Marzouki Claims He Talked Suicide


Attorneys for the ex-fiancée of Mario Williams have now released what they allege are text messages between the two where the Buffalo Bills star even contemplates suicide over their breakup.

Williams and Erin Marzouki are embroiled in an increasingly bitter dispute stemming from their breakup where Williams has sued to take back possession of the $785,000 diamond engagement ring he once gave her.

Marzouki has since countersued, according to ESPN, arguing Williams often experienced “dramatic mood swings” throughout their relationship and ultimately chose to end their relationship and call off the engagement.

Marzouki lead attorney Tony Buzbee released the text messages on Friday during which the two exchanged dialogue for more than four hours. In one passage, Williams writes: "No money in the world should leave me with suicidal thoughts."

ESPN reports Williams also writes that he had taken three hydrocodones that morning and he planned to take two more on the team plane ride home. Hydrocodone is classified as a narcotic, and prescribed to relieve moderate to severe pain.

Marzouki then responds by urging Williams to get help. “Clearly you're not happy & if your takin pills that's bad," she wrote.

Following Buzbee’s offensive, Williams took to Twitter on Friday to air his version. "I'm still here and always will be," Williams wrote. "I'm too strong for ridicule and the childish extremes those will do to try and taint a person’s name when in reality you make me stronger, hungrier and more determined."

Later he tweeted: "The true character of someone is always revealed in times that we don't typically agree with. In these times it's how you respond and portray yourself to others that shows the ethics, character and true morals of a person. What's shown speaks for itself!"

Williams is entering the second year of a six-year deal that pays $100 million--- the richest in NFL history for a defensive player. In his suit, he alleges Marzouki never had any intention of marrying him and only entered the relationship and absconded with the ring as a means of get money from him. 


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