Israeli Cricket Tragedy: Umpire Hillel Oscar Becomes The Sport's Second Deadly Victim In One Week [VIDEO]


Tragedy continued to rock the world of cricket on Saturday. Just days after South Australian batsman Phil Hughes was struck in the head with a bouncer and ultimately died following days in an induced coma, an Israeli umpire by the name of Hillel Oscar also passed away following an accident on the pitch.

Phillip Hughes' Death Shocks Australia Cricket Circuit 

According to Haaretz, Oscar was struck in his chest and neck region by a bouncer that ricocheted off the batsman's bat and the wicket in Ben Gurion Park in Ashdod.

Police are apparently investigating the incident, but there is really no suspicion of any foul play. The event seems to be just a tragic, freak accident; Oscar was not said to be in any ill-advised or reckless location prior to being struck by the ball.

Oscar collapsed to the ground after the incident with a heart attack. Attempts were made to resuscitate him on the scene.Oscar was subsequently rushed to Barzilai Hospital in Ashdod, where he died later in the day. He was 58-years-old.

Cricket is not a sport of major attraction in Israel. This was an amateur match that Oscar was umpiring. Though his passing will probably not lead to the publicity and public mourning that Hughes' death set off in Australia, it is still an undeniably sad event and the second black eye for the sport this week.

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